#47684 - Grand Re-Opening
Boxed Mountie Band Set
Grand Re-Opening 2001 Boxed Mountie Band Set
with a Uniformed Blonde Girl Playing a Blue Drum Set
and Two Mounties in Uniform Playing Guitars.
The set is mounted on black velvet in a black box with "Toronto Grand Re-Opening
2001" inside the lid.
Each pin has a 2-tac back.
Location: Toronto
Event: Opening
Year: 2001
Object(s) Depicted: Music - Drums
Music - Guitar
People - Female
People - Male
Original Distribution Method: Retail (Cafe and/or Online)
Manufacturer: Pin USA
Base Material: Gold Appearance
Paint Style: Painted
Quantity Made: 500
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Hard Rock
Print Type: 5 lines
Paint Color(s): Red,Blue,Yellow,White,Black,Brown,Gold,Cream/Tan