Grand Opening
Set #1 2002 |
#12431 - Grand Opening Boxed
This grand opening boxed set, sold originally at the temporary merchandise store,
features 3 pins: (1) Red-head waitress laying on steel I-beam w/logo, (2) Male
steelworker carrying steel I-beam on shoulder w/logo, and (3) Nut-shaped (as
in nut & bolt) pin w/logo. Original sale date May 24, 2002. No longer available.
Location: Pittsburgh
Event: Opening
Year: 2002
Object(s) Depicted: People - Female
People - Male
Original Distribution Method: Retail (Cafe and/or Online)
Manufacturer: Pin USA
Base Material: Silver Appearance
Paint Style: Painted
Quantity Made: 500
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Musical Theme - Guitars Drums Logos etc
Print Type: 5 lines
Paint Color(s): Red,Yellow,White,Gray