#13204 - Sixth Anniversary-Waitress
in a Barrel
Waitress in a barrel with water splashing around her. Waitress is holding a
tray with a hamburger and two glasses.
Yellow HRC logo in center of barrel, 6th Anniversary above the logo and NY USA
below it.
Waitress is wearing a red apron and has a red bow in her blond hair.
Location: Niagara Falls USA
Event: Anniversary (Cafe)
Year: 2002
Object(s) Depicted: Barrel
Food - Burger
Household - Glass
People - Female
Original Distribution Method: Retail (Cafe and/or Online)
Manufacturer: Pin Craft
Base Material: Gold Appearance
Paint Style: Painted
Quantity Made: 1500
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Hard Rock
Print Type: 5 lines
Paint Color(s): Red,Blue,Yellow,White,Brown