#5859 - 7th: Caddy on Palm
Lined Road
th Anniversary 2000 : Back of red Cadillac w/ 'Anniversary 7th' on bumper.
Guitar necks sticking up from back seat. Palm trees line the road and the HRC
logo is on the upper left side
Location: Miami
Event: Anniversary (Cafe)
Year: 2000
Object(s) Depicted: Music - Guitar
Nature - Plant
Transportation - Car
Original Distribution Method: Retail (Cafe and/or Online)
Manufacturer: Pin USA
Base Material: Gold Appearance
Paint Style: Painted
Quantity Made: 2000
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Musical Theme - Guitars Drums Logos etc
Print Type: 5 lines
Paint Color(s): Red,Blue,Green,White,Black,Orange,Cream/Tan