Pintrippers Event Guitar
2004 |
#22739 - Manchester - 2004 - Pintrippers
Event Guitar
Brown slightly transparent guitar with a cream scratchplate. Pintripers is vertical
on the neck and it says Manchester 2004 wound the base of the guitar body. The
hard rock cafe logo is in the centre of the guitar body. I think the Guitar
is based on the Pete Townsend guitar that was given to the Hard Rock cafe in
London to hang on the wall next to Eric Claptons Guitar
Location: Manchester
Event: Pin Collecting Event
Year: 2004
Object(s) Depicted: Music - Guitar
Original Distribution Method: Only at a Special Event
Manufacturer: Pin USA
Base Material: Gold Appearance
Paint Style: Painted
Quantity Made: 500
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Musical Theme
Print Type: 5 lines
Paint Color(s): Yellow,White,Black,Brown,Gold,Cream/Tan