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#22701 - Waitress as a Jockey on a Derby Horse
Blonde waitress on a running horse. The waitress is holding a tray of drinks (hurricane and mint julep).
The number on the brown horse's back is a number 1. Jockey is dressed in red and purple uniform with music notes on the front.
Released for the temp store opening on April 23, 2004.
Location: Louisville
Year: 2004

Object(s) Depicted: Food - Other
Household - Glass
Nature - Animal
People - Female
Original Distribution Method: Retail (Cafe and/or Online)
Manufacturer: Pin Craft
Base Material: Gold Appearance
Paint Style: Cloisonne
Back Pattern Type: Logo - Hard Rock
Print Type: 4 Lines
Paint Color(s): Purple,Red,Blue,Yellow,White,Black,Brown